Decorating for Christmas is HUGE! Giving small homemade gifts is another BIG thing. So, for Sharon Johnson's Stamp Simply Challenge we are combining the two! Our challenge is to make a Christmas Ornament OR an item of Home Decor that could be used yourself or as a small gift to give. You may alter a store bought item, create something from scratch! If creating a gift item or home decor item is not on your agenda right now, then make a card with some sort of ornament on it, easy enough! Just have FUN!

I chose to make a pocket ornament! After adhering my paper onto my ornament, I also attached a half piece, placing the
scor tape on the bottom and up the two sides. On the sides I placed the edge in a bit to create more of a pocket feature. Paper is Basic Grey's Jovial.

And oh my, here is that spectacular trim again! I used it around the ornament and could not let the tiny bit left go to waste! I trimmed the edge of a piece of ribbon! Makes a super hanger inserted into the top ornament hole.

A look at the pocket, I will be giving several of these to family members for
Christmas this year. I needed a pocket to place a gift card! Then the recipient can hang on tree, hang on the wall, keep
empty or fill with greens!

Besides the trim, I utilized a Webster's Pages Bloomer, silk and twill ribbons! See the leaves? These are the fall leaves from
Prima that I cut to
resemble holly leaves! Making good use out of all the goods!
Here is another version! A bit ornate for me, but so pretty just the same! Love the velvet ribbon inserted thought the lace! Ornaments, Paper, Ribbons & Trim, Lace, Sticker Sentiment, leaves, and Scor tape are all found at The Stamp Simply Ribbon Store! As always, all are welcome and invited to play! Keyword is ssnotime168 for those who upload at SCS. There is no time limit. You can play this challenge anytime at all. The point is to keep it simple, quick and have fun! Thanks so much for stopping by! Take good care!
Be sure and check out The Stamp Simply Ribbon Store Designers, Sharon Johnson , No Time To Stamp? & Deb Saaranen, Dream in Color ornamental creations today! So much inspiration just for you!